News and Resources
- Patrin: Romani News
- Rroma.org
- Romani Criss
- Western Canadian Romani Alliance
- Voice of Roma
- Revues Études tsiganes
- Unbekanntes Volk - Sinti und Roma
- Amala | Gypsy Music | Gypsy Song | Gypsy Dance | Gypsy Language | Gypsy Kings
- Roma und Sinti in Deutschland und Polen
- Famous Gypsies
- Society: Ethnicity: Romani: Cultural Studies (12)
- Romea.cz Romanies (Gypsies) On-Line
- Radio Rota
- Amarodrom Honlap
- RomNet
- RCC Toronto (Roma Community Centre)
- O Vurdón
- Union Romani's Website
- European Roma Rights Centre
- European Roma Rights Centre - Article by Druzhemira Tchileva
- Roma Initiatives
- Romani.org Home Page
- Romendar Romenge
- The European Roman Information Office (ERIO)
- Decade of Roma Inclusion 2005-2015
- Asociaciones Romaníes en Europa
- The Patrin Web Journal: Romani Culture and History
- Open Directory - Society: Ethnicity: Romani
- The Rromani Connection Website